Persuasion Coefficient

This section provides an overview of Persuasion Coefficients.

A calculated multiplier representing the speaker's persuasive effectiveness, based on clarity, appeal, style, and critical thinking scores, influencing the overall Persuasive Force.


Persuasion Coefficient (PC) is a calculated multiplier representing the speaker's effectiveness in persuading the audience, based on factors like clarity, appeal, style, and critical thinking scores. It quantifies the persuasive quality of the content, directly influencing the overall Persuasive Force.


1) Coder's Perspective

Coders compute PC by aggregating relevant scores, implementing it within the PersuasiveForce Object to quantify the persuasive impact of the speaker's communication.

2) User's Perspective

Users can see the PC to understand how various factors contribute to the speaker's persuasiveness, providing a composite measure of effectiveness.

  • PersuasiveForce Object
  • ClaimScores Object
  • Critical Thinking Scores (CTS)
  • Appeal Score
  • Style Score
